The lovely Miss Kristi captured the essence of Hirshfield’s…make your houses look great with Hirshfield’s paint! Plus, we do make the best paint in Minnesota. The girl is a marketing genius! Kristi participated in the Kids Ad Design Project sponsored once again by the Brainerd Dispatch. The Dispatch showcased the work of these future “Mad Men and Women” in...Read More
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” spells out the meaning of “ugly colors”. There is a place for every color in today’s broad marketplace. I once was told that there are no ugly colors, just ugly combinations and therein lies the truth. Usually an ugly color is identified by someone that...Read More
With the holiday shopping season upon us, consider purchasing delightful one of a kind items from Etsy. Etsy is an e-commerce website where people from all over the world, sell handmade items, artwork, vintage, repurposed, and some funky things where all you can do is shake your head and think, “really?”. Etsy is a big...Read More
I promised paint colors from the Bachman’s House, so here they are along with a few more photos. The built-in buffet is laden with baubles galore. Love the apple tree centerpieces. Remember, you can buy anything you see in the house. Vintage or new. What to do with the birch branches that fell during that...Read More
I promised paint colors from the Bachman’s House, so here they are along with a few more photos. The built-in buffet is laden with baubles galore. Love the apple tree centerpieces. Remember, you can buy anything you see in the house. Vintage or new. What to do with the birch branches that fell during that...Read More
Last night was the first time I have been to a Bachman’s Idea House and it was so much better than what I thought it would be. What took me so long? I am a fan of Ki Nassauer (original Junkmarket owner) who is the Vintage Consultant for the house. I was excited to see...Read More
Last night was the first time I have been to a Bachman’s Idea House and it was so much better than what I thought it would be. What took me so long? I am a fan of Ki Nassauer (original Junkmarket owner) who is the Vintage Consultant for the house. I was excited to see...Read More
This Friday’s find(s) is/are yet to be found. My time goeth before this Fall’s first rain in the Twin Cities. And The Shed my husband is working on this morning requires the finishing touches of my paint brush before tomorrow’s precipitation. (DECORATOR’S NOTE: We pre-finished all the plywood and trim pieces before construction with Hirshfield’s...Read More
***Check out the 2014 list of Hirshfield’s Top Paint Colors here! The above paint palette are the 15 best-selling Hirshfield’s paint colors. The top Benny Moore colors are neutrals, and Hirshfield’s best sellers are medium tone neutrals. These are the colors our a-mazing customers are buying for their homes throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. This...Read More
The color gray is a gray area. It is a complex color. “That’s not gray, that’s…” It’s been 10 years since gray first popped up on our radar. Back then no one was using gray as their primary wall color. That’s all changed. So many choices. When asked about...Read More