***Check out the 2014 list of Hirshfield’s Top Paint Colors here!
The above paint palette are the 15 best-selling Hirshfield’s paint colors. The top Benny Moore colors are neutrals, and Hirshfield’s best sellers are medium tone neutrals. These are the colors our a-mazing customers are buying for their homes throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. This is a good place to start when you are searching for a neutral. I have heard “camel” tossed around as a strong color in 2011 and a couple of our best-selling colors fall in that category.
I included Light Lichen 0211 because it is a new favorite color of Kathy Basil, Hirshfield’s Design Resource. She thinks it is even better looking than Benjamin Moore’s Pashmina… and she loves her Pashmina. Oooh, a color smackdown.
These color swatches are computer generated and look far more beautious in real life.
Hirshfield’s paint products are manufactured in Minneapolis. All of us at Hirshfield’s appreciate your support of a local company.