Find Your Perfect Paint Color at Hirshfield’s Paint Color Center
At Hirshfield’s Paint Color Center, you’ll discover over 5,000 colors from top brands like Benjamin Moore, Magnolia Home, and Hirshfield’s Paints. With so many options, chances are you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. But if not, don’t worry—our color experts are here to help.
Whether you’re trying to match a specific hue or create a custom color, we’ve done it all. From tree leaves and flower petals to unique items like a piece of bark, a John Deere tractor, or even a family pet (usually from a photo), we’ve matched a wide range of colors. We once matched a wall sample taken from the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. While we don’t encourage going to such extremes, we’re always up for a challenge for custom color matching at Hirshfield’s!
We regularly match colors from everyday items like heat registers, downspouts, or fabric swatches. Our process often begins with a spectrophotometer reading, but when technology falls short, our skilled color experts step in. Using their trained eyes, we’ll create a custom paint formula that meets your exact needs.
Custom Color Matching at Hirshfield’s
Have a color idea or sample you want to match? Bring it to Hirshfield’s! Please note, custom color matching can take a day or more, so be prepared to leave your samples with us until your paint is ready.