Thank you, Twin Cities Design Scene, for turning me on to Lustron homes. Steve Date, with MinnPost, wrote a piece on these very interesting post – WWII factory built, metal homes. The Lustron wall panels, interior and exterior, are similar to the enameled porcelain of a stove top (on the non-stainless stoves). Steve...Read More
I have deemed this week “Wallpaper Week.” Why? Because I have images from five incredible wallpaper collections to share. According to our store personnel, more and more people are coming in and asking for help selecting wallpaper. I’m hoping you’ll see a room setting which inspires you to get excited about wallpaper. Whether you are...Read More
We thought it would be helpful for people to see what takes place during a color call. We asked Kathy Basil, from Hirshfield’s Design Studio, to show us how she works with customers during an exterior color call. In addition to selecting paint colors, Kathy suggested changing the color of the shutters, adding a shutter,...Read More
Dateline: July 29, 2011, Camden Hirshfield’s Paint Manufacturing This week, more than a full shipping container of Hirshfield’s Platinum Exterior Flat 5790 was produced, filled and packed for shipping overseas to China. Development of business relationships outside Hirshfield’s traditional markets is a growing side of HPM. HPM’s Paul, Mark, Charlie and Nick (on top of...Read More
What’s the first impression people have of your home? For many homeowners it’s their garage door as it’s placed closer to the street than the rest of the house. Beth (Hirshfield’s Woodbury) fell in love with this great DIY project and wanted to share it with our readers. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your home’s...Read More
Don’t you love when your plans come together? That’s what happened to Lisa when she walked into Hirshfield’s Apple Valley store and met Jen Miranda. Thanks for the note, Lisa. Jen and Hirshfield’s manager, I want to thank you for your great expertise! You were so helpful when I came in not knowing exactly what...Read More
Benjamin Moore Weston Flax HC-5 “Up here in Minnesota you see a lot of this flax color at harvest time. It has yellow as well as a bit of greenish tone, that crosses over between those two colors in an unusual way. The yellowness of the sun makes it look bright in the morning, but as...Read More
Hirshfield’s is happy to be partnering with Second Harvest Heartland (find them on Facebook and Twitter!) to restock Minnesota’s food shelves! Now through November 28 drop off a non-perishable food item at any Hirshfield’s location and receive 20% off any Hirshfield’s brand paint purchase. Check out how much we collected last year! We hope to...Read More
At Hirshfield’s, we don’t treat our customers well just for the recognition. We do it because it is part of our mission to share our knowledge and ensure that every customer is treated with respect. However, letters like this remind us just how important exceptional customer service is. We always love hearing about our customers’...Read More
We have to share this unsolicited compliment from a contractor customer. They found the “comments” button on the Hirshfield’s web site and sent in the following e-mail. It’s always a joy to receive such e-mails and even more fun to pass them around for all to see. Nice work to Charlie and Tedd at...Read More