Best Selling Wallpapers Wallpaper is a great way to add personality, style, and texture to your home and nothing changes the character of a room, as easily and dramatically, like wallpaper. Here are a few best-selling 2023 wallpapers from Thibaut, York and Brewster wallcoverings — we are always interested in seeing what wallpapers people are...Read More
There are lots of benefits to renting an apartment, condo or house – fewer responsibilities when it comes to maintenance and upkeep, the ability to pick up and move when you’re ready, and for most people, it just makes more sense financially. But there are also some draw-backs. When you’re renting, you don’t always have...Read More
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We think it never hurts to bring a little luck o’ the Irish into your home with the color green — especially this St. Patrick’s Day. “Green stands for balance, nature, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress,” says Kate Smith with Sensational Color. “Green is...Read More
It’s a WALLPAPER SALE! We’re excited to announce Brewster Home Fashions and York Wallcoverings are extending an additional 10% off for the month of July! Hirshfield’s everyday pricing is already 25% off—now you’ll receive an additional 10% on hundreds of books and thousands of patterns. Brewster and York wallpaper lines offer numerous options in design,...Read More