

How to Make Your Paint Last

Walls exude a certain freshness when recently painted. It can make any room feel new, but conversely feel dated when not properly cared for. Maintaining your walls doesn’t begin or end when you cover it with paint. To keep the color appealing to the eye, there are certain tips you should keep in mind.

First off, consider the room’s purpose before you even go to buy paint. Are you painting the room for a young child or a room you like to change often? Then you don’t need a costly paint with a long warranty. These are the rooms you can have fun with and choose crazy, fun colors.

There are some steps you should do to prepare your walls, even when you have change in mind. Priming is an absolute must. You want the room to look good, whether it’s for one or multiple years. It helps the color to adhere to the walls. This will give you rich colors and can be further enhanced with a finisher. Again keep the purpose of the room in mind. A flat finish is for rooms that don’t require much cleaning. Glossier surfaces are easier to clean though, so a glossy finish should be in highly utilized rooms.

When the prepping and painting are complete, maintenance is the task many homeowners neglect. Hang objects with nails not tape. The tape will tear off your hard work. Handle stains on walls just like clothes. Address them as soon as they happen rather than letting them sit. Avoid furniture placement that can result in scraped walls. These elements combined age any room, despite how recently you may have painted it and distracts from the interior design.

Your home is a reflection of your personality and style. Don’t let a stain, scratch, or color bleed overpower your color and design choices. Make a conscious effort to maintain your walls and everything else will be positively reflected.