Great looking wallpaper is what Thibaut is bringing to your home with the release of Damask Resource Volume 3. Thibaut is updating the look of their damasks with gold foil and cork peeking from the background, raised patterns, and heavy on the metallics. Perfect timing for the resurgence of all that is Victorian…with a 2010 twist. Enjoy the wonderful room settings that Thibaut always provides.
In London recently I saw wallcovering used in so many specialty shops, salons, and restaurants, that it made my heart sing. The English get “it” when it comes to wallcovering.
For additional eye candy from Damask Resource visit the Thibaut website. The new books should be available in our stores in a couple of weeks.
UPDATE: This is still a current book and Thibaut has released 5 additional Texture Resource collections
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