

Friday Finds: Connect the Dots

I was biking around Anna Maria Island taking photos of all the pretty sherbet colored houses when I happened upon this pièce de résistance. I was hoping to find a honeysuckle colored house, but then to find a honeysuckle house with polka dots, I was in heaven. I was only able to snap one quick photo as there were four dogs in the front windows barking at me, the windows were open, and it was 8:00 AM. I peeled rubber getting off the block.

25 year anniversary of The Heidelberg Project


LIFE magazine, July 1951


Container home from Slovenia architect Jure Kotnik

These homes express the home owners’ individuality, but are they also the eyesores of their neighborhoods? I wouldn’t mind a polka dot house in my neighborhood. If it brings you joy, go for it!

I do have issues with the pink and purple house from Apartment Therapy. Why not paint the entire house? Obviously, they did not seek the advice of the knowledgeable sales staff at Hirshfield’s. Don’t you make the same mistake.

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