

Beyond the Pink and Blue Nursery

gender neutral nursery
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Gender neutral colors are great when you are expecting but don’t know your baby’s gender – but gender neutral does not mean gender boring. Pastel yellow has long been the perfect color for those not in the know.  Today’s yellow for tomorrow’s toddler is bright and mixed with neon lime, orange and blue.

gender neutral nursery

Orange is hot in many areas of the home this year and does not shy away from kid’s rooms. This warm hue is a perfect accent for a neutral beige with a splash of green to brighten it up.

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Beige is just as fashionable in a nursery as it is in any other area of the home. It is a gentle tone for a peaceful room, giving it a high style look instead of a bright in-your-face look.

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Gray is everywhere this year as a great background color. It can show off other colors in the room, such as the red hearts shown in this nursery.  This gray has an undertone of red making it perfect for the furnishings in this room.

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Don’t forget white as a nursery color. It is clean, pure and angelic:  just like your baby. There are dozens of baby essentials available in this color making it easy to decorate.   This white nursery highlights the warm wood tones in the floor.

Guest post from Pat Verlodt, president of Color Services & Associates, Inc

Hirshfield’s is your local Minneapolis-St. Paul paint retailer. The experts at Hirshfield’s are here to help you with everything from window-treatments to paint colors. Hirshfield’s manufactures paint right here in Minneapolis.

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