Interior design and fashion design are continually overlapping — specially on the day Pantone announces its Color of the Year, then we all leap to attention. But we are excited to tell you about the time we recently helped two young design students steal the show at a runway fashion competition.
UW-Stout interior design students Emily Gross and Madi Goodrich entered the IIDA Northland‘s 10th annual Fusion+Fashion show at the Muse Event Center in Minneapolis. Much like Project Runway‘s non-traditional materials challenges, this event is a friendly competition among members of the local design industry that challenges interior designers to create garments out of materials typically used in interior design — like mosaic tiles, upholstery, and paint chip samples.
Teams from 23 design firms and studios competed in the event, along with a handful of area design students. So, when Emily and Madi reached out to Hirshfield’s Shannon Scarella, asking for some Silhouette samples, Shannon was happy to help. “The samples would have been pretty measly, so I went and found some Silhouettes that were in our back room,” Shannon says. “Having been a college student myself, I know how hard it can be to find the resources.”
The Silhouettes became the base for the futuristic skirt in the sci-fi design that Emily wore down the runway.
The students also used window film, LED lights and an acrylic light diffuser to complete their unique look.
Needless to say, Shannon was impressed and excited to get an email from Emily with the results.
“Thanks again for your support and donation to the Muse interior design competition. My partner and I are excited to tell you that we received 2nd Runner up in Best in Show! We acknowledged your help at the competition. I attached some photos.
Thanks again for helping us out!
– Emily Gross”
Hunter Douglas Silhouette window shades are available at all of our Hirshfield’s locations in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota. But unless you have a real vision, like Emily and Madi, we suggest using them for interior design rather than fashion design.
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