

warm colors

How Color Affects Our Mood

We all have our own personal taste when it comes to color. Some people are drawn to bright, bold colors while others prefer softer, calmer colors. While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, there are some color effects that have universal meaning. This month, we celebrate National Color Therapy Month, and we are all encouraged...
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Fighting the Winter Blues

Now that winter has reared its ugly head it is time to prepare for the winter blues. The term winter blues comes from the fact that many people get depressed during the short days of winter. It is also referred to cabin fever since it is assumed that being stuck in your home for months...
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Cozy Colors

Cozy. Snug. Comfortable. Warm. Your home should be synonymous with all of these words – a place where you feel comfortable, a place to relax and a place to get away from the craziness of your day-to-day life. So how do you bring a little extra coziness into your space? Read on! Color and texture add...
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