I came across these awesome before and after photos from Chango & Co, a full service interior design firm in Brooklyn, New York. The room transformations are just plain delightful. I thought some of the “before” rooms looked pretty good until I saw Chango & Co’s before & after photos side by side. Here’s a link to the...Read More
Design Decision: Paint vs. Wallpaper Before there was Apple vs. PC, Coke vs. Pepsi, or red vs. blue, there was a primal conflict that drew sharp battle lines. When you wanted to make a change in your surroundings, which did you choose: paint or wallpaper? If wallpaper sounds a bit old-fashioned, you may have missed...Read More
Wallpaper Wednesday: Spirit & Soul Collection The third Scion collection, Spirit & Soul, released in the UK this spring finally arrived in the states. Vibrant colors and strong patterns give this high-energy collection a 70’s hippy-hippy-shake vibe. This new collection has its’ own distinct look just like two previously released Scion collections Melinki...Read More