

Name That Color Contest: Who Won? Who Won? Did I Win? What are the Names?

Christopher Straub (Project Runway) wants to know if “Straub Silver” made the cut?

Many of you are wondering about the results of Hirshfield’s NAME THAT COLOR CONTEST. Rightfully so. After all, we said we’d announce the winners in early April.

Quite literally, we were overwhelmed by the number of you who submitted color names and descriptions. As the one responsible for assembling the data to forward on to the judging panel, I guess I am to blame for the delay.

Such careful thought and insight went into the naming and descriptions, that I found myself reading each and every one of the thousands of entries we received. It was rewarding, uplifting and refreshing for me to realize there are that many poets out there among us.

All that aside, we should be hearing back from Pat Verlodt and her panel very shortly. (I’m sure they are having as much fun reviewing each entry as did I.) The winners of the contest will be contacted personally prior to our releasing their names to the public. A few more days of patience is appreciated.

Thank you,

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