

Friday Finds: X Marks the Spot with Cross-Stitch



This awesome painted cross-stitch mural caught my eye back in March of 2011 when it was featured on Bloesem. I’d never seen anything like this before; I was so inspired by Eline’s creativity I was going to paint my own cross-stitch mural. Well, that hasn’t happened… yet, but I’m still impressed and inspired by such lovely work. Wonderful cross-stitch pieces are showing up in the design and DIY worlds. Was Eline’s work the catalyst for this emerging trend? Or is cross-stitch gaining popularity because of the renewed interest in all that is vintage?


Cross-stitch carpets



I can’t tell if Bambi is painted or stitched;  it doesn’t matter because it is so endearing. And paired with the crocheted throw…perfection.


Spring 2012 at High Point – from Gan


Close up of rug from Bliss


Eline Pellinkhof via Freshome

 Eline’s painted cross-stitch patterns add a touch of whimsy to any room. Painting lets you customize the colors for any space in your home. Hang an empty frame on the wall and paint a cross-stitch project inside it. You can go big or small with picture frames.


Cross-stitch with the versatile washi tape 



*Explanation Required Pinterest Challenge with how-to steps

What’s old is new again. How fun to see the traditional cross-stitch design transformed into new and exciting pieces for modern day interiors. What’s next? This line from The Rocky Horror Picture Show popped into my head:  I’m shivering from antici—–pation.


Addendum: I found this very cool painted floor cross-stitch. Oh, the possibilities.

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