“The Elegance of Winter” is the theme for Bachman’s Holiday Ideas House 2011.
Expect to see creamy whites, cool blues, celadon, soft greens and shimmering metallic accents mixed in with botanical elements and natural textures. Vintage architectural pieces, such as repurposed porch posts and railings, will add historic charm throughout the house. Needless to say, it’s definitely not your traditional red and green Christmas!
I love the use of the wallpaper above the mantel; it reinforces the fireplace as the focal point of the room and is a gorgeous backdrop for the framed wreath. There is a soft blue/green color floating around in the background of the wallpaper, coordinating perfectly with the greenery, Christmas ornaments, and all that shimmers and shines in the sunroom, living room, and dining room.
The wall tree is made from wood scraps and the flowers are cupcake-liners. This tree is my favorite of the Holiday Idea’s House, but then I have a weakness for reclaimed wood. I love the texture old wood brings to a space. Wood scraps are also used for the valances.
Talk about bringing the outdoors in…a garden trellis is used as a canopy in this hippie-chick’s bedroom.
You can count on the crew at Bachman’s to “do it up right” in the boys bedroom. Always an A+ for originality!
The valances are made out of tire treads; the table lamp next to the bed is made from salvaged auto parts. The headboard is made from an old chalkboard and decorated with LED Christmas lights and taillight covers.
I love that the work station is on castors making it mobile. The locker doors are used as a magnet board and turned into thin storage units.
The bedside table is made from a sewing machine base and vintage New York Times books. The bed frame is made from salvaged porch posts.
The kitchen is also one of my favorite rooms from the Holiday House. The use of placemats to create wallpaper tiles is so very clever. Up close and personal it doesn’t look ticky-tacky at all. The placemat theme is carried over to the cupboard doors and also used as a backdrop for the open cupboards.
The milk glass vases and Christmas ornaments were made for each other.
Again, the crew at Bachman’s amazes and astounds with their creativity. The Holiday Ideas House is over the top with inspiration and ideas for your own home. Have you visited the Ideas House? What did you think?
The tickets are $5, but you receive a $5 coupon to spend at Bachman’s. The Children’s Home Society receives 20% of ticket sales from the Holiday Idea’s House.
The paint is brought to you by Hirshfield’s:
Front Porch
Trim 0012 Bunny Cake
Floor 0211 Light Lichen
Entry & Stairwell 0278 Barberry Sand
Living Room 0455 Favored One
Sunroom Wallpaper – Baggalinni
DiningRoom 0456 Fair Maiden
Kitchen Walls 0225 Roman Ruins
Cabinets 0019 Mystic Fog
Lower Level Bathroom 0455 Favored One
Lower Level Hall 0225 Roman Ruins
Boy’s Bedroom 0410 Old School (green)
0634 Day Spa (blue)
Girl’s Room 0274 Polished marble
Master Bedroom 0463 Gaelic Garden
Upper Level Bathroom 0463 Gaelic Garden
The Craft Room 0434 Lush Meadow