

Friday Finds: Decorating with Books

Sure e-readers and tablets provide a nice, organized way to keep track of all your books, but when it comes to home décor, nothing beats the real thing. Of course, actually reading the books is optional.

“It’s nice to have books around. They add so much ambiance. I hope we never live to see the day when books are eliminated from the home,” said Minneapolis interior designer, Jim Noble (Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Décor by the books”).

Books add warmth, dimension and visual interest to a space. There’s just something about having books around that make a room feel more important.

You can add books to your home décor in bulk, such as a library or study with built-in bookshelves, or you can simply use them as accents. Use them within a larger wall display to add height to other objects or casually display your favorite reads on the coffee table as a conversation piece.

home decor
Better Homes & Gardens
My Romantic Home
The Happy Housewife
We Heart It

When decorating with books, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Consider the size and color of your books, especially if you are using them across an entire wall. Visual balance is key.
  • Layer your book shelves with other objects to add interest.
  • Think of books like any other piece of art, when displayed properly they can serve as the focal point of a room.

“My view is you almost can’t have too many books, because just from the pure physical standpoint they give a home so much more depth and dimension.”
– Timothy Corrigan, internationally known interior designer (Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Decor by the books”)

And check out these fabulous wall-coverings available at Hirshfield’s:

wallpaper Minneapolis
Cole & Son
wallpaper Minneapolis
Angela Gutekunst
wallpaper Minneapolis
Cole & Son
wallpaper Minneapolis
Brunschwig & Fils

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