Color & Inspiration — Understanding Color


Picking colors with confidence

For professional designers choosing the color scheme is the most enjoyable part of decorating. So why is it that do-it-yourselfers find this one of the most difficult parts of the process? The difference might be that DIYers lack the experience and expertise of a professional, and don’t know exactly where to begin when selecting colors.

If you’ve ever put off starting a decorating project because you didn’t feel confident about choosing colors, take heart. Choosing your color scheme doesn’t have to be a complicated process. You can eliminate confusion and shortcut the need for formal training by finding something that you really love and using it as your inspiration. You just need to know where to find it.

Beautiful color schemes are everywhere and once you start looking around, they will start popping out at you. Don’t be surprised if you see something colorful that inspires you while shopping at the mall, strolling down the aisle at the grocery store, relaxing on the beach, watching your favorite TV show, or even eating at a new restaurant. The more you tune in the easier it becomes to develop a sense of what color combinations you like, and which ones you don’t. So open your eyes to a new way of looking at the things that catch your attention.

sensational-color-logo-smColor expert Kate Smith from Sensational Color knows what it takes to decide which color will be right for you.

Choosing paint color for a room in your home? Don’t ignore the psychological impact of color. Studies have shown that different hues create different moods; they can even affect behavior!

There are lots of good reasons to select a particular paint color, including personal preferences and design considerations, but often overlooked is the psychological power certain colors exert on mood, attitude, and outlook.

Even before you go to the paint store or start to look at color cards, think about the mood you’d like in your surroundings. Do you want the space to be relaxing or invigorating? Once you make that decision, the color choice becomes easier. If your goal is to create a tranquil space, then favor a soft green or pale blue. These are the most calming colors, so they’re ideal for rooms where you rest and relax – the family room or bedroom, for example. As a bonus, light blue and green tints are expected to be in vogue this year.

Other “go-to” colors for rooms where you go to rest – again, the bedroom or a sitting room, perhaps – include certain beiges, browns, and taupe. More enveloping than blues and greens, these quiet tints and shades impart more warmth and coziness to a space.

At the other end of the psychological spectrum are paint colors that can inject energy into your surroundings.

Yellow is the best example. Like a splash of brilliant sunshine, yellow walls can lift the spirit and brighten your outlook. What better color to use in a kitchen or breakfast area where you start the day?

Shades of orange – tangerine and apricot, for example – are also energizing, so they too are good choices for rooms where you spend your mornings.

Reds are energizing, too, but they need to be used sparingly, since their bold appearance can literally increase heartbeat. But if you’re seeking a great dining room color, look no further: Studies show that red can actually increase appetite, which explains why it is used in so many restaurants.

Aside from the pure color, or hue, of the paint you choose, keep in mind that tone, or brightness, also plays a role in creating mood. Brighter tones invigorate, while those that are muted (“toned down”) tend to be more relaxing.

After carefully choosing the perfect interior paint color, make sure it continues to look just so by applying the highest quality paint. Top quality paints made with 100% acrylic resist fading, so the color you apply is the color you’ll continue to enjoy for years to come.