

8 Tips to Get Your Home Ready for the Winter

exterior of house in winter, winter prep

Although it’s not as fun as holiday decorating, preparing your home for the upcoming winter months is crucial for saving money and keeping your home cozy and warm all season long. And no matter how mild our weather has been so far, you know the cold weather is coming. So, here are eight tips to get your home ready for winter.


  • Rake your leaves before the snow hits. Although they look beautiful, if snow covers your leaves, it can inhibit spring regrowth.
  • Take a lap around your home to look for any simple home repairs that need to be made before the temperature drops too low to mend them.
  • Check your pipes to prevent any unwanted pipe bursts this chilly winter. Make sure that they are all properly insulated and ready for the temperature drop. Turning off your water to the outside water faucets is also an option.
  • Make sure to reverse your ceiling fans! The tricky little switch on your fan will turn your fan clockwise and push warm air down into the room.Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 2.43.36 PM
  • Stock up on all of the winter necessities. The winter cold means ice and lots of snow, so make sure you have snow shovels, salt for your sidewalks, emergency kits for your home and your car, and also make sure to have ice scrapers for your car windows.
  • Just like your car, your heating system needs occasional tune-ups. If you haven’t taken the time to make sure your heating system is in tip-top shape, do so. Many different companies offer free checkups, so take advantage of them. Did you know you can check out Home Energy Kits and Power Check Kits from your local library? Compliments of Excel Energy.


  • Create a draft blocker for underneath drafty doors to save money on energy this winter. You can either buy one or make your own. You can even roll up an old towel and set it at the base of your door.
  • Caulk or weather strip around areas where cold air may leak in. Anywhere where there are corners or different materials meet in order to prevent your energy bill from going up.

These are just a few simple steps that you can take in order to prepare yourself for the cold months ahead. So get to work, and have a safe and warm winter.

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