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Hirshfield’s Twin Cities Paint Color Centers offer the complete collection of colors from Benjamin Moore Paints and Hirshfield’s brand paints. Swatches are available to take home; we also offer real-paint demo containers which can be custom-mix to thousands of paint colors. FIND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD HIRSHFIELD’S STORE HERE.

With so many color choices available from Hirshfield’s, it sometimes helps to take your color for a test drive before you buy!

COLOR AND LIGHT. Have you ever tried to match a color swatch in a store only to find it looks like a completely different color when you bring it home? You’ve just experienced metamerism, the occurrence of colors seemingly changing when viewed under different light sources. Some colors are more prone to this phenomenon than others, including tans, taupes, grays, grayed-blues, mauves, lilacs, and grayed yellow-greens such as celadon. Always view color swatches in the actual space and lighting conditions in which they are being used.

COLOR DEMO SAMPLE. Color Samples are actual paint in one-pint or half-pint containers.  By sampling a color at home, you will get the most accurate sense of how the color will actually look in the room. You can see the colors on their actual surfaces, and in the correct lighting conditions where you plan to paint. Another option is to apply a couple coats of paint to a sample board (paintable sample boards available at Hirshfield’s stores) and tape it to the wall. On exterior surfaces, you may wish to paint out a 3′ x 4′ area on the house (check with your painting contractor first to determine best location).

Hirshfield's Demo Samples
Hirshfield's Demo Samples in Exterior and Interior
Benjamin Moore Color Samples in Exterior and Interior Finishes

Why Test Drive Before You Buy:

• Decide between several shades and tints of a particular color.
• Compare how different undertones of a color (vibrant yellow, gray-yellow, green-yellow, etc.) affect the feel of the room.
• Determine how a particular color in a room will flow with the colors in adjoining rooms.
• Does your color work with other colors in the room (such as a deeply hued rug).
• Experience how color is enhanced by different lighting conditions.
• Experiment with several different colors before deciding on a color scheme for a room.

Hirshfield’s Twin Cities Paint Color Centers