


66 Square Feet Asks, "What is a Garden?"

I found this post on 66 Square Feet and the photos were so simple, yet captivating, that I am compelled to share. I guess gardens come in all shapes and sizes just like their gardeners. How does your garden grow? Mine is growing with plenty of weeds after all the rain we have had this...
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10 Ways to Cut Clutter

Clutter makes me crazy! It eats away at my inner peace and hard-earned zen, and my loudest wish since day one of motherhood has been that my offspring (and husband) would understand how much clutter- not only clutters my home, but my mind, my patience and honestly, my love for them. But, I have had...
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Roller on in to Hirshfield’s

Isn’t this the best?  Well, as a matter of fact, it is!  This is the Hirshfield’s ad that ran in the Brainerd Dispatch on October 30 as part of the Kids Ad Design Project.  We love what Zoey designed to promote Hirshfield’s in the Brainerd area. Linda Hurst of the Dispatch shares the history of...
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